1. People who work all day long cannot get rich. Wealth is a compensation for cognition, not a reward for diligence. Cognition, that is, knowledge and wisdom, is an intangible wealth. If you make money by physical strength, you will be poorer as you get older; if you make money by wisdom, you will be richer as you get older. In a person's life, hard work is just a stepping stone in life. Some things cannot be achieved by hard work. No matter how new a fifty-yuan coin is, it is not as popular as a hundred-yuan coin.

2. If you earn 3,000 yuan a month, you can only save 3,000 yuan no matter how much you save; if you earn 20,000 yuan a month, you can still have 10,000 yuan after spending 10,000 yuan; if you earn 300,000 yuan a month, you can still have 290,000 yuan after spending 10,000 yuan. Therefore, you must spend your mind on how to make money. Instead of reducing your expenses, you might as well try to increase your income. Choose a career to make a living and wait for a good fortune to turn the world around. Wealth comes from numerology, not from hard work; benefit comes from the situation, not from hard work. In the era of knowledge economy, the higher the level of cognition, the stronger the ability to obtain wealth. People who make money by relying on their cognitive level can get ten times or even a hundred times the income of others.

3. When an acquaintance knows your background, he will not protect your secrets, but go around doing bad things. Don't overestimate human nature. Whoever overestimates human nature will die without a burial place. Remember, it is friends, not strangers, who can really kill us. Many things in life are complicated, not simply black and white. The darkness of human nature is beyond your control, so the only thing that this society can fully trust is the money in your hands.

4. Those who like stability will be poor and stable. If you can't find a way to make money while sleeping, then you can only work until you are old. Thinking determines the way out, and the pattern determines the outcome. Sometimes, not daring to take risks is the biggest risk in life. Money that can be calculated at a glance and a life that can be seen at a glance will really make you poor and stable.

5. If you want to achieve great things in life, you need to get rid of the two thieves in your heart, so that you can become richer and richer. One is to overcome timidity; the other is to avoid being too impatient. Only by being calm and composed can you avoid panic when encountering things, and it is easier to achieve twice the result with half the effort. You must learn ecological thinking, make use of all favorable conditions, and give full play to your potential.

6. Don't talk when you have nothing to do. There are only three purposes for talking. The first purpose is to make others happy. If others are unhappy with your words, then don't talk. The second purpose is to make others work hard and pass on value to others. The third purpose is that you have to make money by talking, otherwise you can save your breath and warm your stomach. Don't talk nonsense. The wise speak slowly, and the foolish talk a lot. As a smart person, you must think twice before speaking, say what you should say, and keep what you shouldn't say in your heart. When you are in a group, guard your mouth, and when you are alone, guard your heart.

7. There are two kinds of people in the world that you cannot afford to offend: one is the silent person. He is not afraid of you, but you have not touched his bottom line. Once you touch it, you will not even have the chance to kneel down and beg him. The other is the person who smiles every day. Don't think he doesn't care about anything. If you provoke someone he cares about, he will turn against you and you will not have time to cry! A ruthless person doesn't talk much. A person who speaks very little must be an absolute ruthless character. Sometimes, the most tenacious enemy is often hidden from people's sight. He seems weak on the surface, but he is actually firm and strong in his heart.

8. When he himself had no money, he found a phenomenon that the people who worked the hardest around him were all poor without exception. And very few such poor people became rich by working for the boss. The real poverty is never material poverty, but cognitive and spiritual poverty. Why do most people live a mediocre life? Everyone can work hard, but hard work is not an important factor for success. If you want to stand out from the crowd, it is not hard work, but cognitive ability that is important.

9. The knowledge in books is only knowledge after all. Unless you can put this knowledge into action, nothing will happen. Knowledge can only produce real results through action. Knowledge gained from books is shallow, and you must practice it to know it. At any time, you need to integrate knowledge and action. Knowing is one thing, and doing is another. Only when you take action can you continuously improve what you know, constantly adjust it, and finally have a set of experience that belongs to you.

10. Don’t make friends with men who are too idle, because they are either doing shady things or are prodigals. Don’t flirt with women who are too busy, because they are either very expensive or very wounded. Once people fall into excessive leisure, they tend to have all kinds of distracting thoughts. They will make trouble out of nothing and create trouble for you. People who are too idle are like a bottomless black hole, constantly eating away the energy and time of those around them.

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