On Binance Exchange #binance推荐码OFU67AVX , newbies are usually advised to trade spot rather than contract for the following reasons:

🌹Risk control: Spot trading is relatively simple and has lower risks. Newbies can trade by buying and selling assets they actually own without involving leverage, which reduces the risk of liquidation.

🌹Trading object: The object of spot trading is the actual cryptocurrency, and the buyer and seller make instant delivery, which is more intuitive and easy to understand for beginners.

🇺🇦Fund management: Spot trading does not involve borrowing, so newbies can better manage their funds and avoid significant losses caused by leveraged trading.

🇺🇦Market understanding: The spot market is easier to track and analyze, and newbies can improve their trading skills by observing and learning market dynamics.

🇺🇦Trading purpose: Spot trading is mainly for obtaining or transferring ownership of assets, while contract trading is more for speculation and hedging, which requires more advanced market knowledge and experience.

🏅In short, spot trading provides a more stable and low-risk environment for novices to learn and adapt to the cryptocurrency market. As experience accumulates, veterans can gradually transition to more complex contract trading. Please remember that any form of trading has risks, and you should fully understand and assess your risk tolerance before investing.