Many people turn contracts into gambling and scold them everywhere for not touching contracts.

Let me tell the truth

For those who treat contracts as gambling, there is no trading method but relying on luck. There is nothing wrong with this sentence at all, and I wholeheartedly agree with it.

But for some people who are clear-minded and still want to turn over their positions with a small amount of funds, the only thing that can save them is contracts.

Don't argue with me, the argument is yours.

Calm down and think about it. Suppose you only have less than 100,000 yuan. If you want to earn 1 million yuan, what will you buy? Gathering big cakes? How many times can you earn 1 million? Buy a lot of local dogs and wait for them to be reset? Let’s not talk about how many people are involved in pyramid schemes. Just listening to others shouting everywhere will make you confused. Even if you check a bunch of miscellaneous information, you still can’t escape the fact that you are harvested by the banker.

So why does everyone criticize the contract? Because there are too many people who are not good at it, and too many people play contracts like poker.

Contracts are essentially tools to improve capital utilization

Trading is trading, gambling is gambling, don’t impose crimes on the contract, the same is true for futures

The inner demon of losing a lot of money on a contract is that you lose a position that should have made a lot of money, and then you will have a strong sense of frustration. Then increase the leverage to maintain the original large position

A person's level does determine his upper limit. As a participant in the currency circle who has neither inside information nor independent thinking ability, nor even practical information, looking at other people’s second-hand information and his own unfounded opinions, it won’t be long before he will be taught a lesson by the market until he loses money. all

The current liquidity is poor, and the major players in hot money are in the swing band, so it is more suitable to make contracts, and contracts are more suitable for the current market. I am not a contract expert. Trading is my current state. Respecting market rules is my reminder to myself every day. I just want to tell you a different perspective on the contract tool. I can only make trading through my own efforts. Turn into a business. I hope everyone can build their own trading system, use trading to gain ways to make money, and gain their own success. #大盘走势 $BTC $ETH $USDC