The Bitcoin white paper, the document underlying the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, outlines the launch process of BTC.

This document contains technical details as well as the project purpose. The document also includes some remarkable details. For example, in the BTC white paper, instead of the word "blockchain", a word meaning "time stamp server" was used in Turkish. What is Bitcoin White Paper?


A white paper, a technical document, is a document that explains the purpose, scope, innovations, philosophy and technical details of the product developed by a project team or company. White papers have a different look than marketing materials because they are written using academic and technical language.


Bitcoin white paper reflects the formation process of BTC and also includes some details that users do not know. It was posted on an email group called the Cryptography Correspondence Group on October 31, 2008, by a person using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Apart from the title of the white paper, the word "Bitcoin" is mentioned only once in the article. The document contains many interesting details.


We have compiled 14 interesting information about the Bitcoin white paper that you have not heard before and will surprise you... 14 Interesting Information About the Bitcoin White Paper

1. The document consists of 2,736 words and 16,404 characters.

2. The Bitcoin whitepaper created a huge controversy.

3. Many criticisms have been made against Satoshi.

4. The word "Bitcoin" is mentioned only twice in the white paper.

5. Satoshi wrote Bitcoin's code before the white paper.

6. The term "timestamp server" is used instead of the word "blockchain".

7. Bitcoin has been seen as an alternative to older digital cash systems.

8. The most frequently used word in the white paper is "block".

9. The document cites 8 past studies.

10. CPU power is used to create Bitcoin blocks.

11. Some parts of it are no longer valid.

12. Bitcoin white paper is a public document.

13. Developers track errors and changes in the document.