How many people have been attracted by the myth of wealth creation in the bull market in the currency circle and then rushed in, hoping that the next chosen one will be themselves?

Is it really that easy to make money in the currency circle? Take the native dog as an example: nine out of ten dogs are native dogs, plus half a golden dog.

Why half one? Because you are very good at selling out. If you hit ten earth dogs, you may return to zero, or you may encounter a golden dog. Then nine will return to zero, and the other one will make a profit, but it will also sell out, so you probably won’t return until Some nine local dogs lost money

So at this point you will say, I don’t play local dogs, I only play level two, okay? OK, why not, but is level two so easy to mix?

When new people enter the secondary market, of course, most of them are attracted by the high leverage of contracts. They often do not have their own trading system. They feel good looking at this currency. They have heavy positions, full leverage, and no stop loss.

Liquidation is a common occurrence in this market. Human nature is like this. I always feel that I have to carry this order and come back. I can't keep going up, right? Will it fall? Or maybe after falling so much, it’s time to bounce back.

That’s right, some people did go from loss to profit by carrying orders, but only a very small number of people did it, most of them still carried it, and their positions were gone, #BTC