1. Scenario 1: This is a potential reaction after Bitcoin failed to top out in the 70k-73k region and there was a significant price drop. Continuing to retest the demand zone at the price level of 58-60k to ensure stability before continuing to grow is a prudent strategy at this stage!

  2. Scenario 2: Side way movement at the price range of 64k-66k can create an accumulation before important news affecting the market. News about CPI or other events can cause strong fluctuations in Bitcoin.

  3. News and new money factors: news and the increase in new money entering the market are important factors for Bitcoin's volatility. The continued accumulation of large funds and increased demand could also increase the price of Bitcoin.

  4. Personal opinion and risk warnings: Personal opinion and risk warnings are very important in investing in Bitcoin or any other asset. Carrying out thorough research and making informed decisions is essential.

Going forward, monitoring Bitcoin's price fluctuations and related market factors is important to make effective investment decisions. Don't forget to note that this is just a personal opinion and every investment decision needs to be carefully considered.





