The biggest problem in the current market can be summed up in four words:

"You can't hold it"

Bull market has many long shadows, and sharp decline and slow rise is a symbolic term

It is normal for altcoins to drop by about 30% occasionally.

Making money in the cryptocurrency world depends on great wisdom

The cryptocurrency industry loses money because of being clever

Just keep holding it and you can make steady money

It’s just that some people want to play short-term and contract trading

The result is not to chase the rise and kill the fall, but to go short.

I was harvested for playing the contract.

It's so easy to make money

Why are 90% of people in the currency circle losing money?

Because they are too greedy

To get the lowest chips, you have to go to the highest peak

Or you want to pocket all the profits from every short-term fluctuation.

Little do we know that you and I are not gods, and little do we know that the banker is a thousand times smarter than us!

Ordinary people simply cannot overcome their greed.

All the shortcomings of human nature will be magnified a hundred times by this circle

To know

We retail investors are always the dumbest fools in this market.

Use the method that even a fool can make money to speculate in cryptocurrencies

In this most profitable circle

The chance of success will be higher

So the next step is to quit the contract and focus on spot trading, whether it is short-term or long-term trading, the best one is the one that suits you.

It's easy to make money in a bull market

Strategy is the key

Track selection

How to participate with small funds

How to play with big money

How to play the copycat game?

To make money in a real bull market, you must have a long-term mentality and long-term operations.

Many people make a lot of money in the early and middle stages of the bull market, but are too greedy in the later stages of the bull market and lose everything directly.

Mentality, rhythm and strategy are more important.

To put it bluntly, you can pull up the price by buying any stupid coin as long as you can hold it, it doesn’t matter how much it rises.

Strategy, mentality first.

I often joke that if you cannot mentally withstand a 70% drop in three days for a new concept asset, don’t invest in cryptocurrency.

Such people could not see Ordi/Atom at that time, nor did they believe in the DA module blockchain, would never see the Bull Market, and would not believe in any MEME.

If BTC comes out, they would rather have hot pizza than BTC. In their hearts, they don’t believe in any possibility of making money in the medium and long term.

In their eyes, there is only cutting and being cut, only short-term gambling, and only quitting when they see the profit. When I say this, many people will feel hurt, but let it be. The bull market is coming, and it is too late to cut, and you can only be confused.

Calm down, we are long-term players. Yesterday, Bitcoin plummeted. There were all kinds of voices in other groups, saying it would go to 50,000, crash, bearish and short selling, etc. These are all very impetuous behaviors. There are no such voices in our community. Why?

We are all like-minded players. The pullback in the bull market is not a risk but an opportunity for us. You must understand this truth. Several friends asked me how to analyze the trend. After I told them this truth, they all felt relieved. They should cover their positions and sleep instead of watching the market nervously.

In a bull market, do less operations. Your mentality is very important. Let me tell you about my mentality. You should think like this: if it goes up, I should be happy, right? This shows that my decision has been verified. If it goes down, I should be even happier. Why? Because I can get a lower-priced chip.

I am glad that all the friends in the group can reach this consensus.

I believe they are the ones who can make a lot of money. This is the mentality and cognition of making a lot of money.

If you can't hold on, feel uncomfortable when there is a pullback, and sell at a loss in a panic, then you may need an atmosphere where you can be with a group of people who share the same consensus so that you can go further and hold on longer.

A single tree cannot make a boat, and a single sail cannot sail far! A high-quality circle can go further by obtaining information. I will arrange bargain hunting and ambush hot coins with high explosion in a small circle every day, and share daily market analysis#大盘走势 #Meme #sui $BTC $ETH