$INJ - This weekly RSI looks very interesting to me


After topping out at $10, the RSI come down from ~ 84 - to essentially bottoming at 50.

The bottom after topping out at 10$ was set at $5.39 - A 45% decrease in price.

This is where it gets interesting!

With our current move from that low at $5.39 - we ran all the way up to $53.

While all of this happened, the RSI went to almost 95 on the weekly time frame!!

From the most recent 'fake out' that topped at $53 to the bottom today at $31 is a 41% decrease in value.

Meanwhile, the RSI came down to 54, those exact same levels as where the price bottomed before pumping +500%!

We might actually be repeating history here.

#INJBullrun #Cosmos