Analysis and sharing of ETH market trend on 4.3rd day

In two days, Ether returned to around 3250 again. It can be clearly seen that this is a phenomenon of many kills. In the case of the main force pulling the market, all the attached pictures cannot play a very good role. This wave of callback is not over yet. Based on several years of personal experience, the high probability of this wave of correction is in the 3000-3180 range. In order to start steadily, it is recommended to continue to go long if it is more stable. Real-time guidance: btc0931#ETHFI⁩ #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥

ETH operation suggestions: multiple orders around 3150-3200, target 3300-3350, risk control: 3090

This column has been focusing on the market trends of mainstream currencies for a long time, with daily point analysis. I have gone through too many ups and downs in the past seven years. I once came from Leek. Recently, some operations have been unsatisfactory. I want to learn without a teacher. Welcome to leave a message to discuss together. If you are lucky, you can get it. Real offer guidance