What are UpRock Earnings?

The UpRock AI Earnings program is a revolutionary platform where users can earn UpRock tokens by sharing their unused internet bandwidth and contributing to the UpRock network. By installing and running the UpRock Ai Earnings app, users play a vital role in building a decentralized web data infrastructure for AI and are rewarded for their contributions.

What are UpRock tokens?

UpRock tokens, denoted as $UPT, are digital assets built on the Solana blockchain. They serve as the native currency within the UpRock ecosystem, allowing users to participate in the network, access premium features, and earn rewards. Think of $UPT as digital tokens that represent ownership and value on our platform, allowing users to engage with cutting-edge AI models, contribute to data sharing, and realize various benefits. They provide a secure and seamless way for individuals to be part of the UpRock community while benefiting from the growing adoption of AI and decentralized technologies.

How can I get or sell my earned tokens?

During the beta period, tokens earned through the UpRock AI Earnings app are temporarily locked. However, once the full version of the browser proxy application is complete and operational, we will unlock these tokens, making them available for sale. To ensure liquidity and smooth token transactions, we will establish a dedicated liquidity pool. Stay tuned for more specific details on the unlocking process and liquidity pool setup.

How does UpRock ensure personal browser privacy?

UpRock is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal browser. Our app works as an independent proxy, which means it does not collect your personal browser history or any personal data from miners.
