The teacher asked the students, someone wants to boil a pot of water, and when the fire is halfway through, he finds that there is not enough firewood. What should he do? Some students said to go find it quickly, and some said to borrow or buy.

The teacher said, why not pour out some of the water in the pot? The students suddenly realized that things in the world can't always go as planned. There is gain only when there is sacrifice. People's energy is also limited. We must learn to make choices, learn to pour out some water, and only focus on people and things that are important to us.

It's the same in the currency circle. If the market rises and we make money, we should stop profit appropriately. If we lose money and get trapped, we must be neither humble nor arrogant, learn to accept it, and wait for the market to come again.

If you can endure loneliness, you can keep prosperity. In the currency circle with ups and downs, pay tribute to everyone who struggles in the currency circle. Come on!