It is still in this form in the afternoon. I expected to rebound higher and follow the short trend, but unfortunately we did not give the opportunity. The pie is more than 100 points away from our expected position, and the ether is about 10 points away from the expected position. But it is not important. After the rebound in the afternoon, there is no It is an obvious continuation. We have been saying that we should seize the rebound in the afternoon to follow the short side. Since there is no rebound in the afternoon, we will just go short and wait for the bottom to be broken in the evening. If we go short in the afternoon, we will win again. This is the importance of following the trend. From the current market point of view, the bottom There is still room to explore. In the short term, we still need to maintain the short-term thinking. In the evening, the market will focus on short positions around 66200-66700, and the target will focus on around 64500! Ether focuses on the short range near 3320-3350, and the target focuses on #BTC $BTC $ETH $BNB near 3230