After the price ratio was adjusted last night, I also gave a long idea. The subsequent trend of the price ratio was in full accordance with my expectations, showing a slow upward trend. Subsequently, I placed a long position in the orange cake near 68,800, and decisively left the market when the price ratio reached 69,800 in the morning. The concubine who made rough moves at the same time also gained more than 1,070 points and more than 60 points of holding space, and the overall holding space was very satisfactory. Here, I want to say to you who are still fighting alone, you might as well trust me once. Maybe this choice will bring you unexpected gains and even change your life trajectory.

  From the current overall structure and the market, it can be seen that the cake is under pressure at the 72,000 line above and has room for adjustment, and the lowest has been adjusted to 68,103. After the entire air situation has repeatedly tested the 68,000 position, it has also been supported and formed a rebound space. Although the continuity of both long and short positions is slightly inferior, the overall situation is still in the long position, and the short position cannot change the current overall situation in the short term. The space for the long rebound is still optimistic in the future. #BTC

Big cake around 69400-69200, target 71500

Auntie around 3490-3480, target 3600