#KTS attended the launch event #Binance TH

A joint venture between Binance and a subsidiary of Gulf Energy (one of Thailand's largest enterprises) will begin offering crypto asset trading services in Thailand.

According to published information, Gulf Binance has completed all licensing procedures with the Thai Ministry of Finance and has begun fully operating the cryptocurrency exchange and brokerage platform called Binance TH.

According to experts, the launch of Binance TH in Thailand could lead to a restructuring of the cryptocurrency market in the country, leading to fierce competition with the Bitkub exchange, the dominant platform currently owned. owns about 77% of the digital asset market share, with an average daily trading volume of 30 million USD.

Previously, Thai energy company Gulf Energy also invested in the Binance cryptocurrency exchange in the US, attempting to penetrate the digital currency market here.

#BNB‬ #BinanceVietnam