Yesterday, Bitcoin closed the monthly and quarterly candles, and the closure in both cases occurred almost at the very high.

Already this month we will see halving - historically the most important event for the crypto market, after which the market continues to grow for more than a year.

👀 According to the current hashrate of the Bitcoin network, after halving the cost of mining 1 BTC will be equal to $53,000, which will force some miners to leave the market due to loss of competitiveness.
As a result, the hashrate may temporarily drop by -20% after the halving. And due to the drop in hashrate, the production cost may temporarily drop to $42,000.

That is, in the worst case scenario on the market, Bitcoin will no longer fall below $42,000, and most likely we will already fall below $50,000$BTC we won't see in the coming years.

🌓 Quarterly closing

Прошлый квартал Биткоин закрыл с прибылью +68,68% на отметке 71400$ и закрытие этой квартальной свечи произошло выше исторического максимума.
This is a very good signal for continued growth this quarter.

Historically, during bull market cycles, Bitcoin continued to rise until the indicator on the quarterly timeframe reached 87-97 points.
Now this indicator is at 71, which means the growth potential is still very large 🚀

Judging by the dynamics of long-term growth (green line), the minimum growth target for Bitcoin in this bullish cycle is $147,000.
And according to past data, after the onset of halving, the price of Bitcoin continues to rise for another 456 days.
That is, we have only passed half of the growth cycle and there is even stronger growth ahead, especially for alts.

🌗 Monthly closing

An equally important event for the market is the closing of the monthly candle.
Bitcoin closed the 6th month in a row with a green candle.

Since Bitcoin closed just slightly above the historical high of $69,000, we conclude that the struggle for current levels will continue for some time, for example 1-2 months.
Simply put, now it is ideal for Bitcoin to go into a wide flat, and we have already talked about this in previous posts.

👍 It would be nice if Bitcoin closed this month with a red candle. It would be great to break the growth streak with green candles for a more beautiful picture.
However, we think Bitcoin will close this month above $60,000.

Perhaps, when the halving occurs on April 20, the market will begin to take profits due to the onset of the long-awaited event.
Then we may see a temporary wave of sales, which will be instantly bought back.

Поэтому, не в коем случае не продавайте свои позиции при наступлении такого сценария.
Logically, we should not fall below $50,000 and during a drawdown we need to buy out the market 100%.

📚 Conclusion:
As has been said many times before, your current task is to maintain your positions and not sell them.
Many alts have not yet grown much from their bottom, which means their growth potential is still very large.
That is why we place a big bet on alts, many of which have already brought more than +100% profit on the SPOT market.

We still have more than a year of growing trend ahead, and further market growth will be even stronger than we have seen previously.

Of course, a black swan may come to the market, but it is important to understand that if this happens, it will be a temporary phenomenon.
Overall, the market looks great and the opportunities for great earnings are just beginning.

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