$puppies Today’s Trend Analysis

$puppies is the meme with the most investment value in 2024. It combines the right time, place and people. I have already analyzed it in my previous article, so I won’t go into details.

This article focuses on recent trends.

1. The current weekly, daily and 4h lines of $puppies are all very strong and are expected to continue to rise sharply.

2. Compared with other dog-series memes called by Lao Ma, $puppies with a market value of only over 10 million are simply too cheap, which is equivalent to giving away money, so those who hold positions are almost unwilling to sell. On the contrary, the buying demand is very strong, even in the first few days. During the day's correction, there are still far more buy orders than sell orders.

3. Recently, $puppies have begun to go out of the circle. Due to its own aura of the strongest meme in 2024, it has a strong ability to attract fans. The currency holding addresses continue to rise every day. It is currently approaching the 5,000 mark. It has only been a week since the previous 2,000. Even in the previous few After a correction, it still maintained an upward trend, which was very counter to growth.

4. The community is very strong. Currently there are English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese communities, Korean and Arabic communities are under construction. Several community leaders are extremely capable and have overwhelming appeal. The community is very united, has many good ideas, and is developing very rapidly. At present, the total number of people in the Telegram community alone has exceeded 5,500, and it is growing rapidly every day.

Taken together, the short-term upward momentum of $puppies is very strong. Preliminary judgment is that it is 100 million US dollars in one month, 1 billion US dollars in 3 months, and 10 billion US dollars in the long term.

There are risks in the currency circle, so you need to be cautious when investing and don't be fooled. #Meme #puppies这个具备百倍千倍的潜质,马斯克i


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