YGG also ushered in a new high this year, rising to 1.4 dollars.

As one of the leading tokens of chain games, I led people to make plans in the group as early as the beginning of the month. When YGG surged, I explained why I chose this coin, and accurately laid out the lowest point during the subsequent market correction.

Now let’s talk about the YGG token. In the past, YGG was a token issued by the chain game union. Whoever made the most money in chain games was, of course, the game guild. You could make money wherever the chain game was good. In 2021, when AXS was popular, There is even a chain gaming trend in the Philippines. Almost everyone who knows computers is making money in the game, because at that time, making gold in the AXS game for one day was equivalent to three days for them to go to work. This also made me see the potential of game guilds, regardless of Whichever chain game is popular, gold mining guild will have its place

Secondly, YGG is now transforming from a chain game guild to a chain game guild protocol. YGG expressed its hope to become the infrastructure layer so that all guilds can flourish on the chain and in games and be deeply integrated with blockchain games.

This is of course also a big plus. Project parties that are willing to do things in the bull market are good project parties. YGG may continue to experience a correction in the future. If you have such an opportunity, you can choose to purchase it appropriately. It is a very good token.