Rules for newcomers in the currency circle

1. For beginners, you may wish to start by investing in a small amount of mainstream digital currencies, such as the top five currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Yuzi. Even if the funds are limited, a few hundred or even thousands of yuan is enough. Buy a small amount of Bitcoin through practical operations and experience the real transaction process, so that you can grow quickly. After all, "what you learn on paper will always be shallow, but you must do it in practice."

Learn independently and build accurate information sources

2. Don’t rush to join various digital currency communities in the early stages, as there are many people who are harvesting leeks. Newcomers should make full use of major self-media platforms, read widely professional articles, and improve their self-awareness. You must know that "those who are foresight eat meat, and those who are late to wake up eat soup". In the field of virtual assets, only by relying on timely and accurate information sources can we form the advantage of foresight and make accurate judgments based on this. To achieve accurate judgment and make correct decisions, it requires a long period of experience accumulation and the inevitable "tuition payment" process.

Act decisively and strictly control risks

3. Investment decisions need to be firm-willed and decisively executed, and knowledge and action must be integrated. Once you find a good opportunity, you must enter the market quickly, set a strict stop-profit and stop-loss strategy, and resolutely implement it to the end. In this ever-changing investment forest, make decisions at critical moments to avoid being caught first by others.

4. Deeply understand that investment involves risks. If you want to make a profit, you must first go through the "tuition payment" stage. Whether a veteran or a big shot, their rich experience is based on countless trials and errors and dedication. If you join the currency circle, you will not be able to escape tuition fees, but only in this way will painful memories give rise to profound cognition and rapid growth. Theoretical knowledge is important, but only by experiencing failure personally can you remember the lessons and develop keen judgment. Remember, the process of paying tuition is essentially the only way to hone yourself and move towards success.

Play slowly and steadily, and stick to a defensive investment mentality

5. In the world of virtual currency investment, always adhere to the safety cushion mentality and avoid excessive greed. Always adhere to a conservative and defensive investment attitude and strategy, and keep in mind that "keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood." Being radical may bring temporary glory, but it may also lead to total loss.