Hi all!

For those who have not yet entered the race for #AirDrop‬ from Hyperliquid, I think it’s time to jump in!💰💰💰

Click on the link (remove the spaces first) and start spinning the volumes.

👇 👇

ht tps ://app.hyperliquid.xyz/join/3284

Activity is due until April 1


Average expenses per account: $100

We put 75% of accounts in the silver league, this is the top 20,000 accounts

We add 25% of accounts to the golden league, this is the top 15,000 accounts

We expect a drop from 1000$ in April-May 2024

Hyper already has a shooting gallery system in the form of gold, silver, etc., and they were the first to launch this system.

Personally, I make an account for 490,000 volume

Volume counts the opening and closing of a position.

Good luck to all!