#大盘走势 #新人入坑 #Meme

Give a suggestion to newcomers. Many newcomers just entered the cryptocurrency circle after hearing that the bull market is coming. They are full of freshness and envy others a hundred times. They feel that there are opportunities to get rich everywhere in the cryptocurrency circle. In fact, there are pitfalls everywhere in the cryptocurrency circle, and the loss is much faster than in the casino.

A useful suggestion is to use large funds to make money that you are good at, and use small funds to try new ways of playing, and be honest and surprising.

If you have a principal of 1000u, 900u of which is used to do things that are sure to happen. It depends on yourself. If you have a stable way to make money in the stock market, the cryptocurrency circle is the same, just change the place to make money. If you are a novice, it is relatively stable to hoard mainstream coins.

Another 100u is used to try new ways of playing, and then large funds will enter when you find a suitable way.

Now the annualized return on lending out U is 18 points directly. The cryptocurrency world is really a paradise. Many people not only do not make money but also lose money after a bull market. For newcomers who want to be safe, it is a good idea to directly use 900U as financial management.