Every time An An’s event comes, I see many people want to calculate how much they will charge, how much interest will be, and how much they can earn?

I will calculate the income, but no matter what the income is, as long as there are assets on the exchange and it is convenient for people to participate in activities, they will basically use it. have

Sometimes many people will think about one thing very unilaterally, and they will only consider how much they can earn from going public.

If you make less money, forget about it. This is how I think about it. First of all, any activity has a cost, even if the people who develop the currency of this project have spent a lot of money.

The cost of the coins we receive from participating in the event is extremely low, just a little interest. It can be said that you got the chips at an extremely low price.

Our chips are lower than many others. However, many people criticize sloths, mice, bomes, and all kinds of local dogs. They directly pay coins. This kind of thing, they can spend thousands of U without blinking an eye. The cost of picking up these items is very high.

It is very uncertain, and in the end the losses will be greater than the profits. As for participating in the event, you should not understand it as giving you free coins, but understand it as giving you an opportunity to get extremely low chips. This is fine.

Then if you get these cheap chips, you won't be in a hurry to cash them out. What if you wait for the bull market to cash out? If you understand it this way, you will be able to hold it.

Yesterday I met a stubborn brother. He said he worked in a factory. He was so stubborn that I couldn't move my bed.

Don't even think of covering me with wool. I pulled him into my skirt, and he must ask me for information and how to do it. I'm quite speechless too. I don’t know how he thinks about the problem.

If people are stubborn, they will be obsessed with one point. In fact, this point is trapping themselves, which may lead to disdain for this and dislike of others, and feel that this is not good and that is not right.

Nothing feels good to watch. In this way, you are actually trapped by yourself, which is actually very painful.

Many people think that others are acting stupidly, but they make money. Maybe they just think about this matter in a way that you can't understand.

If you think about it in another way, the result may be completely different.

Nothing in this world is free. A lot of free things actually contain your precious attention resources. If your attention is not valuable, then the things you get will naturally not be valuable. If your attention is productive, then the things you get will naturally be valuable. The same thing will give you completely different values ​​because of different ways of thinking.
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