What's really remarkable about Luna is his plunge

When Luna fell by 90% to around $10, the secondary groups were already crazy.

And this project is so famous, it is absolutely cost-effective to buy at the bottom, so starting from 10 dollars, the Leeks kept buying at the bottom like crazy, from 10 dollars to 1 dollar, and from 1 dollar to 0.1, 0.01, 0.001. . .

As a result, there is no lower, only the lowest, all the way down to 0.00005

No one expected that a currency in the top five market capitalization would almost return to zero overnight.

Those who are fishing for the floor have never thought about the existence of a dungeon; those who are fishing for the dungeon have not thought about the caves; those who are fishing for the burrows have not thought about the crust of the earth; those who are fishing for the crust of the earth have not thought about the existence of hell; those who are fishing for the hell have not imagined that hell has eighteen levels. .