Buy in the bear market and reap in the bull market, is it really that simple?

Many people always think that buying in a bear market and selling in a bull market can make good gains. However, everyone ignores that after the bear turns to bull, the bull market is not smooth sailing. The process is always full of twists and turns. In addition to rising prices, In addition to falling, there are countless pullbacks and sharp pulls, and most of the time they are garbage sideways trading.

The current pie is no longer the pie of the past few rounds. As more and more financial institutions and whales target it, the market value will become larger and larger. 10,000 pulls are 10 times, and 1 million pulls 1,000,000. The funds required The volumes are not of the same magnitude. In the future, it is difficult for the market pull height and retracement to fall by more than 90% like the previous rounds, so there are not many opportunities left for retail investors to join A8A9!

Similarly, high-quality targets are also very important. Good targets will definitely bring you good harvest fruits. The final result of some old-fashioned B and capital p is to cut leeks and return to zero. B circle is a circle with a particularly strong wealth creation effect. There are countless ways to lose all the principal. I have seen too many examples of being trapped, stolen, and losing all the principal in the contract. Therefore, the principal is the most important. No matter what you do, protecting the principal is the first! Click on the main leaf to follow the public account: Bi Fangshe, free skirt ban

If a novice player doesn’t know what to buy, he can choose the eldest brother or the second brother as the most reliable. If he wants to take the risk of exceeding the profit, he can take a small position to ambush the potential leader. The end of the bull market must be the season for copycats, and the beginning of the bull market must be the opportunity for the big brother and the second brother. You can play at any stage. If you don't grasp it well, it is easy to fail to beat the market.