There are 5 types of investors.

1. Buy, DCA and hold until end of bull run then take profit around peak or even earlier.😌🧘‍♂️

2. Short market from the bottom all the way to the top of bull run. 😂🤌🫡

3. Keep going in and out of different coins all the time until end of bull run.💨🏃🏃‍♂️

4. Buy, DCA and hold but don’t take profit because they think BTC will keep going to the moon and end up giving back all the profits to the market. 💀💀good game bro🤌🤝🤝

5. Buy and ignore all short term trades. But play the major swings corrections both long and short sides once in a while. 🔥🔥

I am personally number 5.

And you?

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