A real dark horse! The market value of this coin is 100 million, and there is still room for 50 times!

The latest data on the Bitcoin chain was released. After reading this indicator, Shu Qin was really shocked and broke out in a cold sweat!

There is big news about Ethereum ETF, and what is the latest news about True, Aero, and TIA? Let’s follow Shu Qin to find out~

First, let’s take a look at the situation of Bitcoin in the currency circle, because only when Bitcoin stabilizes can our small coins have upward momentum.

You can clearly see that the giant whales on the chain are still buying and selling, and the stock of Bitcoin on the exchange is falling off a cliff!

It can be seen that Wall Street is once again preparing for the upcoming bull market. You know, this year is 2024, and Bitcoin production will begin to be halved this year, so these large investors will not miss any opportunity to increase their positions.

The data on the Bitcoin chain that we analyzed before is really very accurate. At that time, when Bitcoin plummeted from 74,000 to 60,000, our program said that big investors were frantically adding positions. I said their buying button It’s almost smoking, isn’t it? Let everyone buy the bottom of various coins. Pepe and WIF, for example, have rebounded by more than 50%.

Then this wave, I think it will rise to 80,000 or even 90,000. Because this is the same as when Bitcoin fell from 48,000 to 38,000. It fell by 20%, and then slowly fluctuated and rose. After breaking through the previous high of 49,000, it began to rise sharply.

This time, it also retraced 20% and started to rebound, and it was very close to the previous high. Now the only obstacle left is 74,000. Once it breaks through, it will reach a new high and usher in a new wave of gains.

After all, now not only on-chain data, but also the exchange’s CVD increment, contract funding rates and positions are steadily rising, and Bitcoin ETF funds have also switched from outflow to inflow.

So as long as there are no black swans, another surge in the currency circle is really just around the corner.

Let’s talk about the current market situation. RWA is so popular now, it can be said that it has reached the point where everyone knows it.

In other words, if all the funds in the market have been bought, will there be a subsequent lack of funds and a correction? I think it is possible. After all, flowers are not blooming for a hundred days, and Ondo has also touched the 1u mark, so Shu Qin let friends temporarily escape the top when it was close to 1, and the current plan is to take it back at early 0.8 .

Of course, we still have to take the giant whale on the chain as the standard. Whenever he buys the bottom, we will take action.

And don’t forget that this coin is only listed on Binance Futures, and there is a high probability that it will be available on spot later, and it will be able to make another big move when the time comes. We have no inside information on whether it can be listed, but according to common sense, there is a high probability that Binance will list its spot in the next few months after listing the contract of a coin.

Compared with Ondo, which has a market capitalization of nearly 10 billion, there is one currency that Shuqin thinks has more potential. It is TrueFi, and its token number is TRU.

This project is similar to Ondo, but its market value is only RMB 100 million. There is a lot of room for growth from Ondo’s total market value of RMB 9 billion.

He is also doing the tokenization of U.S. debt, and the project team announced that starting from this week, you can pledge short-term U.S. debt to obtain income, and you can also use U.S. debt as collateral to borrow. Therefore, it has more functions than Ondo which purely buys and sells U.S. bonds.

From the K-line point of view, it has also exceeded last year's historical high of 0.14, and has very strong upward momentum. If you want stability, you can wait for a breakthrough and then step back before buying.

In fact, to be honest, although it has risen a lot now, its price is not too high. You must know that it exceeded 1u during the bull market in 2021, so the current 0.16 can only be said to be a rebound, and it is far from being said to be a rebound. It has risen too much. If he can make a counterattack after the breakthrough, it will definitely be the best opportunity to get on the market.

As we said before, he and Ondo are actually about the same, but the current total market value is only 100 million, which cannot be lowered, while Ondo has more than 9 billion, so even if it rises to one-third of Ondo in the future, then There is also a 30-fold increase, right? So this can be a small position allocation point, and there may be big surprises in the future.

However, everyone should also pay attention. How long the short-term popularity of the entire RWA sector can be maintained is still open to question, so if you plan to do long-term, you can wait until the popularity has passed before planning. This is the same as the previous AI or Solana ecological popularity after retail investors. reason.

It can be seen that whether it is Ondo escaping the top or looking for a new potential currency TRU, Shu Qinna is very professional. When Shu Qin talked about Ondo a month ago, many people had never even heard of this coin, but now he has doubled the price.

In addition, various coins in the Ethereum ecosystem are likely to usher in a second round of explosion, because Shu Qin discovered that Wall Street is really actively deploying related sectors.

SEC Chairman Gary Gensler is now investigating Ethereum and intends to classify it as a security. Those babies might be frightened when they heard it, but we old leeks smelled something unusual, because the Bitcoin ETF was also approved in this way back then.

First, the SEC sued, and then the court ruled against the SEC. Therefore, Gensler, a former MIT blockchain professor, could only "reluctantly" approve the Bitcoin ETF, right?

And now they are doing this again. It seems that this is really a legal preparation for the Ether spot ETF. Moreover, Ethereum itself, like Bitcoin, has been approved as a futures ETF by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, so the approval of its spot ETF is only a matter of time. After all, BlackRock has already used Ethereum, and it has used its U.S. debt fund Buidl All are linked to the Ethereum chain, which creates a favorable environment for the legal compliance of the blockchain.

In addition, BlackRock, which has a 500:1 ETF application success rate, has also applied for an Ethereum ETF, so the topic will definitely be full by then, and Wall Street will definitely build momentum.

Therefore, even if May is not passed this time, it will definitely be passed in the future, especially since BlackRock’s ETF deadline is August, so the opportunity is very high.

Ethereum staking sectors such as Lido, SSV and EtherFi, as well as Layer 2 such as OP and IMX, will all have a big market in May. I think a lot of smart money is already making plans.

Although SSV has gone silent after rising from 50 to over 60, ETHFI is really strong and has doubled!

Now it is considered a high and a fall. When the narrative unfolds later, he should launch another charge like SSV.

I think in the long term, I can get the Ethereum ETF in mid-May, and then consider cashing out.

In addition, when Bitcoin reached 60,000, Shu Qin also saw that the whales on the chain were buying the bottom, so he asked everyone to buy the bottom of each coin. For example, Pepe and WIF we mentioned at that time both rebounded by more than 50%. In addition, we had previously Cancun upgraded to a high point and escaped from the top. It can be said that our operations in the past few months have really been like opening and closing. It is very perfect. This is the charm of operating with the banker. We can all see at a glance whether the main force is adding to the position or reducing the position. ah.

If you want to further improve yourself, you can also come and take a look. Benqin operates with everyone every day. We will start laying out various hot spots first~

Okay, let's continue.

There is one coin that Shu Qin is really paying close attention to. He is Aero, the leading Defi player on the Base chain.

Now Base has become the second base outside Solana. The data on the chain has increased significantly, and the trend is getting stronger!

These Dogecoins need to be traded in Defi, so the Defi leader Aero on his chain becomes the center of everything.

In addition, Base was born in the listed company Coinbase, and it does not issue its own tokens like OP and ARB, so if you want to lay out the Base chain, you can only buy the tokens of its flagship ecosystem.

But don’t be impatient for Aero now. I don’t plan to chase the high. I will wait for it to pull back. At present, it seems more rational to start around 1.5. We will take a look at the specific point in a few days.

In addition, I think TIA has some opportunities. It has retraced nearly 50% from its high point.

And according to the latest report, the institution Galaxy currently holds 27 million US dollars in spot and 41 million US dollars in unlocked positions. It can be said that there are large institutions involved, so I think this coin can also be allocated a little.

Okay, that’s it for today’s program. Please pay attention to us, let’s gain wealth and freedom together in this bull market!
