March 28, 2024 Grandpa clocked in

The market is almost as expected. The market cannot break through at the level of 70,000. The main players take advantage of the impatience of the market to easily blow up the leverage. Last night, a wave of short-term Ethereum easily fell below 3,500, indicating that the confidence of funds has changed. It becomes more vulnerable. At this time, once there is a big backlash, a stampede will easily occur, and the low position that everyone is looking forward to will appear.

Of course, this does not mean that it will definitely fall immediately, and the lack of financial confidence is mainly reflected in the copycats. During the previous declines, the support of the big pie was still quite strong. It is expected that the next market will continue to maintain low volatility, but I think there is still a chance of falling, especially for copycats that have risen to a certain high level. It is a matter of time.

The current market is still a bull market. In fact, we do not necessarily have to focus on the secondary market, but should play in the primary market. Last week, I led everyone in the group to play a new RONIN. The price of APRS is more than 10 times that of a new one. Although it only unlocks 20%, it has already made 2-3% of the principal, which is still very good.

I know that there are actually many people who spend a lot of time and energy on playing projects. I have said before that Circle B is a rare industry that can reward early participants. This strategy is definitely correct. Due to limited time and energy, I only choose a few to experience. Recently, I have focused on derivatives trading. In the past, like aevo, you can also transfer some transactions to the chain.

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