But as the saying goes, a single tree cannot form a forest, and a shadow cannot form a trend.

Throughout the ascent we experienced,

I have gone through too many adjustments and corrections,

Similarly, this round of decline still belongs to the correction category.

It will not change the final bullish pattern.

Bitcoin was over 69,196 in the morning, 69,840 was out, and more than 600 points were lost!

Judging from the current trend, the four-hour short-term top divergence structure has retreated.

Pay attention to the MA120 moving average support below.

In the short term, the decline temporarily stopped and rebounded, but the intensity was not strong.

Pay attention to the suppression of the MA14 moving average above. If you don't stand firm, there is still a downside risk.

Looking at the daily line, the K-line closed negative, and the upward momentum weakened and fell into high sideways trading.

The space below will not be too big, and the upward trend has not changed in the long run.

It is expected that it will continue to rise after the shock.

If you are short, you still need to be cautious, and it is recommended to buy low.

Thursday noon operation suggestions:

Bitcoin: Go long in the 69000-69500 ​​area, with a target of 71200-72000.

Ether: Just synchronize your ideas, pick up the points, and take good defense!

Knowledge is your wealth, choice is more important than hard work, understand everything! #BTC #SHIB #WIF