Dripping Ball Bureau #WIF #sui #SHIB #APT #Fet

The king of bombing games among thousands of people, today I would like to talk to you about this game that is closest to being sent to jail.

After the end of World War I in 1919, a painter invented a Ponzi scheme based on this idea. After World War II, two Jews invented pyramid schemes, which caused a bloody storm in Japan.

A few years ago, profiteers in our country came up with a ptop to defraud private capital.

Today I will have a good chat with you about this unpopular situation.

The name "Dishui Rolling Ball Bureau" actually comes from a jewelry scam in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, a wealthy businessman bought a jade plate from a jewelry merchant at a high price, but found out that it was a fake within a few days of buying it. The inspection method at that time was relatively backward, which was to drop water on the jade plate. If the water droplets rolled and spread like pearls, it was just like what Bai Juyi said in Pipa Xing. If the jade plate is full of jade, big beads and small beads falling on the jade plate, then the jade plate is most likely real. If the water drops are in a pool and have no shape, it means it is a fake. It is obvious that the wealthy businessman inspected it. It's a fake, how do you deal with it? I bought it for a big price, isn't it a waste?

The wealthy businessman thought for three days and three nights, and decided to use some means to sell the plate. He coated the plate with a layer of oil film, which was a bit like the feeling on kraft wrapping paper today. With this layer of oil film, the jade plate had the effect of dripping water and rolling balls. With this little trick, the wealthy businessman successfully made this hot piece The potato was sold, but he never expected that because of its outstanding appearance and the endorsement of the wealthy businessman, this item would quickly circulate among jewelry merchants, and the price would get higher and higher. However, the oil film on it was , after buying and selling and inspecting again and again, it becomes thinner and thinner. If one day this oil film

If it is completely broken, whoever gets the jade plate at this time will be taken advantage of. What about this taken advantage of? We now call it a takeover, but do you think these businessmen are stupid? Can’t you see it? Of course not, but they all know that if I buy this plate and sell it, I will Can make more money.Anyway, as long as you make money, does it matter if it’s true or not?

In 1919, a painter named Charles Ponzi packaged a financial product using a few cents of U.S. stamps and exchange rate differences. It was said that he could make a 50% profit in 90 days of investment. Because the few early adopters had gained real money, Ponzi's financial product quickly attracted a large number of investors, and he instantly accumulated a large amount of funds. But in fact, this product does not exist at all. He just uses the money of subsequent investors to pay the high interest rates of previous investors. As long as people keep asking him to invest money, his chain cannot be broken. At his peak, Ponzi had 15 million U.S. dollars in his hands. You know, that was 19 years old.

In 2019, even if this money is put now, it will be over 10 billion. But soon he couldn't keep up his habit of tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall, and was caught before he could escape. Ponzi was sentenced to five years in prison for 86 counts of fraud.

After his scam was exposed, a former employee came out and said that Ponzi was a complete financial idiot and couldn't even understand the simplest addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. What he is best at is sitting in the office with his feet up on the desk, holding a diamond-encrusted pipe in his mouth, and talking about his non-existent financial business. But the funny thing is that more than 100,000 people believe him. There are also senior practitioners in the financial industry, but can they really not see it? I think I am probably like countless takers, thinking that as long as I am not the last one, I can make a lot of money. This kind of pyramid scheme was simply named after Ponzi, which is also the notorious Ponzi scheme in American history.

In fact, no one is stupid these days. Everyone knows that virtual currency is a bunch of codes, the Metaverse is a bunch of pictures, and a house is a pile of reinforced concrete. The reason why so many people are trying to succeed is essentially luck and greed. This is the most powerful thing about Drip Ball Game. You know that this thing is worthless, but you are still willing to spend a lot of money to try your luck and bet on the probability. Of course, as the most famous rolling game among thousands of games, it is by no means completely useless. It depends on how you use it.If you turn yourself into a prejudgment, you will coat yourself with a film of oil and raise your own worth. The difference between you and Yupan is

So, the jade plate is fake, and he will never be able to make it real in this life. But you are different. Maybe today you are just a fake passing through Vanity Fair, but maybe after a long time you will become the real thing, right? Don’t the Jews do the same thing?