BlackRock is only using the influence of Bitcoin to quickly advance the RWA track. No matter whether you call me a conspiracy theory or have counterarguments, it cannot change my long-standing views.

The market capitalization or value of Bitcoin is nothing compared to RWA’s billions of business.

BlackRock needs Bitcoin’s influence to quickly promote asset tokenization.

Now that BlackRock has acquired the Bitcoin ETF, it seems that it has acquired the Bitcoin ETF. It is coming for Bitcoin, but in fact it has acquired the influence of Bitcoin. This should be the biggest conspiracy in financial history!

I wrote a long time ago that BlackRock will quickly place orders to lay out RWA. Many people will wonder why what I said has come true. This is the strategic nature of RWA and the changes to future finance.

Bitcoin does not hold most of the world's assets, but RWA is different. It can hold the whole world. You and I can divide and sell them online in RWA mode, and it will quickly absorb global funds.

If Apple is listed in a tokenized manner, Apple's market value should expand five to ten times. Tokenization can absorb global funds endlessly at zero cost.

This is something that affects the destiny of the country. RWA will make high-quality assets in developed countries even better and completely turn them into global assets. There are also some things that are quite sensitive and I don’t want to talk about them. I just want to tell everyone that Wall Street did not come here for a broken pie. They just spent money to buy the influence of the pie. So far, it seems to be very successful. They have done it. #sui #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 #sol. $SOL $BTC $ETH