To make money in private equity, you cannot lack luck and knowledge. In the past few days, I have seen many private equity and crowdfunding project parties running away and losing money. I should be grateful for my choice and conscientious project parties. Thank you @Portals


When I participated in the portal private placement, there was no movement for two months and I thought it was a dead end. In the end, it lived up to expectations. Two accounts each have 30,000 portal bulls, even if the price is 10$, it is still 600,000 dollars. The cost of each account at that time was only 2 eth.

When I participated in Scotty, the price of the sixth private placement round I participated in was 0.0077. One round took 9 hours and it was also a private placement for more than ten rounds. It was the first time I had seen so many rounds of private placement. I was worried about the final return of 30,000 US dollars, which made up for the fear at the time. Heart.

Thanks to the two project parties for allowing me to eat meat.

In this era of rampant scammers, it is a beautiful story to live up to expectations.