Bee Network is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) organization whose basic operations are automated and require no human involvement to agree to the rules and principles assigned in the code.

Bee Network is committed to using blockchain technology to build an open Internet platform and Dapp (decentralized application) ecosystem. We will also gradually introduce mobile games, social networks, e-commerce and lifestyle services, with the ultimate goal of transforming each user's role into a consumer, contributor and value owner of the platform at the same time.

Bee Network is a new blockchain innovation that provides users with a gamified experience to earn Bees. It is the world's largest blockchain-based Web3 interactive platform, designed to help people earn bees in multiple game scenarios on the web3 interactive platform. In order to make Bee valuable, Bee Network is specifically designed as a network of real people that facilitates players to exchange goods, services and expertise with their Bee balance in real life and ultimately on major cryptocurrency exchanges Listed to trade Bee with fiat currency.

100,000 KYC quota will be released every Tuesday afternoon, the specific time is uncertain

Before applying for KYC, two social accounts must be bound, and the project team has given a specific scope.





Among these 4 social accounts, at least 2 must be bound. Twitter, Telegram, and Facebook are recommended.

Official website:


Invitation code:


#手机挖矿 #挖矿 #零撸 #空投 #BEE