One day in the currency circle, one year in the world...

In ancient times, there was a young lady who met a poor scholar who was going to Beijing to take the exam to take shelter from the rain. She found that he had written a very good book and it was white-covered. She took out some silver coins and pledged herself to him.

The next day, the lady cried and sent the scholar a message: "If you are a high school student, please don't let yourself be a concubine."

After the scholar swore an oath, he gave her a token with his name written on it. From now on, with this token, she can get everything she asks for.

After the scholar left, the lady asked the maid to put the scholar's token in her wallet.

The maid said: "This is already the fiftieth scholar!"

The lady said: "There is no way, there will always be someone who will really pass the exam."

- "ICO", the best novel of 2017

The scholar asked the boy to write down the names of the ladies he met along the way, and sighed: This is the ninety-ninth one!

- The Best Novel of 2017: "Leek"

The boy asked the scholar: "Sir, since you left home three years ago, you have slept with more than ninety women. We are going back and forth from various universities on the way to Beijing, shouldn't we just rush for the exam?"

The scholar replied: "Isn't it because of money and women that you rush to take the exam to become a high official? Why are you rushing to take the exam when you already have an infatuated woman in your nineties?"

- The Best Novel of 2017: "Coin Speculation"

The scholar unexpectedly got lucky and was favored by the princess. He was exempted from taking the exam and directly recruited the consort. There was an endless stream of people seeking to see the scholar's token. The price of the scholar's token was auctioned and the price went up. It was known in history as "one coin for one." Maid".

- The Best Novel of 2017: "On the Exchange"

The scholar copied the scholar's white book and put the Prince Consort's name on the back of the book as an endorsement. He secretly changed the name on the token, walked the scholar's way to take the exam again, and fell asleep for two seconds. One hundred and fifty ladies.

- The Best Novel of 2017: "Altcoin"

The book boy discovered that he could not fulfill his promise to the previous two hundred and fifty women, and all the investment made by the previous two hundred and fifty women would be lost.

- The Best Novel of 2017: "Runaway"

The young lady learned that the early investment in the book had been lost, and she asked the book boy to get her money back. The book boy said that it was just a "donation" at first. The lady went to Beijing to beat the drum and complain, suing the book boy and the scholar.

- The Best Novel of 2017: "Defending Rights"

The capital was in chaos. When the emperor learned about it, he was furious. He divorced the scholar and put him in prison. The scholar was beaten 30 times by the royal staff.

- "Supervision", the best novel of 2017

The bookboy lost his financial source and began to look for another way out. So he summarized the needs of the scholars and set up a teahouse on the way to take the exam. He mass-produced and sewed tokens with new names to help the scholars who came to Beijing to take the exam package the route to meet with the lady. Referred to as "Sewing and Contracting" service.

- The Best Novel of 2017: "Ethereum"

After the scholar was released from prison a year later, he found that the tokens he had bought had increased 3,000 times. He was praised as one of the four kings of the currency circle, so he published a book called "The Road to the Revolution of Wealth and Freedom".

- The Best Novel of 2017: "The Revolutionary Road to Wealth and Freedom"

The scholar also set up a small and secret circle to collect money and teach everyone to buy tokens. Each person received 3,000 taels of silver per year, and through this he became a millionaire.

- The Best Novel of 2017: "The Little Secret Circle"

The princess found out that the scholar was living so well after being released from prison, so the emperor decided to mobilize seven departments including the Ministry of Accounts, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Officials to jointly ban the young lady's personal commitment (ICO) and prohibit token trading. The silver collected through tokens must be return. . . . . Finally close the token exchange.

- The Best Novel of 2017: "Chinese-Style Regulation"

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p.s Well, it turns out that one day in the currency world is one year in the world. . .

I am the God of Wealth, a veteran in the currency industry, and I only tell the truth. If you are interested in the currency circle and want to get started quickly but feel confused, please follow me and contact me through the homepage. I will provide you with real, valuable advice to help you move forward steadily. Let’s explore, grow and create brilliance in the currency circle together!