The Bitcoin (BTC) correction is over and a new round of opportunities is about to begin. Are you still short?

One look at the overall situation determines whether the bull or bear market is bullish and the stage.

Bitcoin has closed its weekly chart. Bitcoin is still in the early stages of a bull market. It closed the hammer line this week and stepped back on the lower support range without breaking, indicating that the trend has not reversed.

There is a high probability that the market will continue to fluctuate in the future, and the current market trend is also in line with the previous analysis.

Let’s continue to take a look at Bitcoin’s daily trend:

The daily trend has stopped falling. Although it is currently in an upward trend, it has reached the high point of the previous bull market. Although it has broken new highs before, the extent is not large, and the volume of bulls is also declining, so the next step is within this range. The probability of shock is high.

The bull market cannot always be a unilateral upward trend. Just like the callback in the past two days, when a stop signal appears, it is the time for us to enter the market.

If it goes down, you are giving away money. Have you entered the market?

For short positions that have not entered the market, the further back you go, the fewer the best opportunities for placement will be.

For example: If you enter the market at the end of last year, you may get 10 times the return. If you enter the market now, you may get 5 times the return. In the future, the market may double. The further you go, the opportunities will become less and less, and the risk will only be As the market gets bigger and bigger, the most important thing about investment is timing, that is, we can seize the most suitable opportunity to enter the market and buy the bottom.

Returning to the core issue, it is our personal ability and whether we have the ability to seize the next opportunity.

If you don't effectively solve the problem of your own abilities, you can only watch opportunities slip away at any time.

After the market stabilizes at its current position, I will plan in a small circle to buy low-end copycats and ambush high-explosion hot coins, and share daily market analysis #LUNA #gala #icp $BTC $ETH