Not everyone can be what they want, but everyone can work hard to be what they want. Believe in yourself, you can break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly. In the early morning of this morning, we prompted to go long near 70,000, and the price reached as high as around 71,200. After a correction, it continued to operate in a range until now. Our Dodan entered the market near 69,985, and left the market near 70,600. More than 630 points of space.

Since the price comparison showed a strong upward trend last night, the current price comparison is also showing a stagflation sentiment. It can be seen that the price comparison has been meandering around the middle track. After the bulls rebounded, they were under pressure and were unable to make an effective breakthrough. , then we can think that the overall rhythm and structure are in a weak state. This is already a very obvious short trend. At present, after the correction, it is still running in a weak form, and the bulls have no intention to continue upward. Therefore, we are still optimistic about the possibility of continued correction in the short term. In the morning, we can focus on the falling space after the rebound.

The market is around 70400-70600 and the target is 69000

Auntie is around 3620-3630 and the target is 3500#BTC #