First, the sector has rotated, and all copycats have performed in this cycle; some are several times, some are dozens of times, and some are only tens of percent, that is to say, from August last year to now All have risen, and they are all following the cycle. The banker projects have different strengths and different performance ranges. Even the copycats in the observation sector have moved;

Second, the performance of the copycats that rose sharply in the first stage was average in the second stage, while the copycats that did not rise in the previous stage performed exceptionally well in the second stage, such as NULS, YGG, etc., which were mentioned latently, in After the correction, it came back and kept hitting new highs, which shows that the project parties are trying their best to make money.

3. At present, there are still 70% of copycats whose real main Shenglang market has not yet arrived. What is a main Shenglang? It is the kind that rises several times in a few days or weeks, and it is so explosive that you are afraid of it. For example, the bubble created by a large number of new coins in An An is not big enough after being launched. There are some old mainstream copycats, but their movements are not obvious. Well, we are still in the stage where we can eat meat, so just go in and lie down and eat meat. If I say this plainly, don't ask. If you ask again, you will end up at the end of the fish.

In fact, for this round of big cycle bull market, the best thing to do is, as long as you are not levered and hold the spot, you will not move even to death. At present, after the correction of each stage of the copycat, the next position will definitely be better than the last time. high. Remember, the market will not treat you well. Those who are patient, hold the B in your hand, hold your low chips, and wait for your main rise. The premise is that you are on the car.

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