The RWA sector has rebounded after the current market decline. Regarding the potential varieties of RWA, you can pay attention to the following varieties:

1. Mkr belongs to the old leader of RWA, the lending sector, the key project side has strong profitability and a large structure. It does not rule out splitting plans in the future.

2. Ondo, the new star leader, Cb's biological son, also cooperates with sol. It is invested by Wall Street institutions. The market maker is the jump market maker of Wall Street. It is very powerful. Ondo Finance is an open and decentralized investment bank. The core business is to serve and connect various stakeholders in the emerging DeFi industry

3. Polyx is an institutional-grade permissioned blockchain specifically built for managed assets.

4. The Token asset tokenization issuance platform also belongs to the meme sector. Floki’s son token will be launched on the main network on the 28th of this month.

5. The king of real estate on the rio chain, the 100 million USDC financing wallet obtained by BlackRock is from the realio network official wallet "Reserve Wallet" to rio, the EVM compatible chain issues and manages digital native assets and real-world assets.

6. Cfg is a big brother with strong background and strength. Coinlist is a new platform that offers hundreds of times the coins.

7. Om Om is the native cryptocurrency of Mantrachain and one of the best-performing altcoins on Binance.