$What is CELO cryptocurrency?

In its early days, the Celo cryptocurrency was known as Celo Gold (CGLD). It is true that she was fickle in nature. But once they were paired with other assets, such as fiat currencies, they became less volatile. Without going into technical details, it is worth noting that, thanks to the way it operates, Celo can be linked to fiat currencies in order to create stable currencies, which are cryptocurrencies whose prices do not vary greatly.

The first stablecoin supported by the Celo project is the “Celo Dollar” (cUSD). These coins closely follow the path of the US dollar and their value remains close to $1. The team responsible for the project hopes to expand the scope of its offerings in the coming years. Among other things, it wants the Celo cryptocurrency to be based on the Euro to create #CELO other cryptocurrencies.