In fact, for anyone, even if you own Bitcoin in 2011, there is a 99.99999999% probability that you will not be able to hold on until now, and you have already been "tortured by pain and unable to sleep for countless late nights."

Let me not talk about how much Bitcoin has risen over the years. Let me recall to you the history of Bitcoin’s early plunge.

In June 2011, Bitcoin soared from US$0.95 to US$32, but by November, Bitcoin had plummeted 94% to US$2.

In January 2013, Bitcoin bottomed out and rose to more than $7. Many investors believed that Bitcoin would approach the high of $32 again, or even reach a new high. But then, Bitcoin fell again by 49%, falling to around $3.8 by the end of January.

In April 2013, due to the emergence of many new exchanges, new investors, and increased media exposure, Bitcoin skyrocketed to $260. However, as Mt. Gox, the world's largest Bitcoin exchange at the time, was interrupted, Bitcoin fell again to $40, a drop of 80%.

At the end of 2013, Bitcoin rose to $1,200 after a "roller coaster" trend. Bitcoin caused shock and attention around the world. At that time, Zhao Dong9 had already achieved "worth over 100 million" by relying on Bitcoin. But then, Bitcoin began a long bear market that lasted 411 days.

In February 2014, Mt. Gox was hacked and declared bankrupt. Bitcoin fell from US$600 to US$102, a drop of 80%. At that time, the number of Bitcoin users was 10 times that of a year ago.

In January 2015, Bitcoin fell to a low of $150. Just one year after his net worth exceeded 100 million, Zhao Dong lost 150 million in Bitcoin. In fact, the bear market in 2014 shattered the faith of countless people.


Many people regret "missing out on Bitcoin". In fact, it is just because they have heard too many "true or false" stories, but they have ignored that behind the success of those who rely on Bitcoin is often just "survivor bias"; They hope that they are the next batch of "lucky ones", but they lack the basic respect for Bitcoin.

You know, from the beginning of Bitcoin, whether it was speculation in the market or community participants, the vast majority of them did not think it would succeed; even today, most people still Think it's just a scam. Therefore, Bitcoin starts from a few cents, to a few dollars, tens, hundreds, and thousands of dollars. People who hold Bitcoin are constantly throwing it out, and miners are also constantly throwing it out. The Bitcoins you receive will quickly repay the hardware investment and electricity bills that are only denominated in legal currency.

In short, because most people think it will not succeed, Bitcoin has a very high turnover rate and a very high fluctuation range. The former is the cause and the latter is the effect.

But unfortunately, many people have never seen "this side" of Bitcoin. Therefore, they don't know that today's "big guys" are just frustrated people in the past. Now they are trying their best just to "spend more money to buy back the Bitcoins they once sold."#BNBChain #RONIN $SOL