Can you make money by following contracts? Do you see other people’s amazing returns on their orders? Leeks, don’t rush to seek medical treatment when you are sick. Don’t panic when the market fluctuates. Don't let people with ulterior motives use "survivor bias" to get away with it!

The story has to start from World War II.

Every time an Allied aircraft returned from a combat mission, its fuselage had many bullet holes left from the battle. So Allied scientists used big data methods to collect, organize, and count the locations where bullet holes are most likely to appear on current aircraft in order to strengthen the thickness of steel plates in these areas and ensure the safety of the aircraft.

However, the improved aircraft did not increase the Allied war's winning rate, but instead increased a lot of expenses.

At this time, a very famous general pointed out a key point, "It is useless to thicken the places where there are many bullet holes, because the planes from those places that you cannot see have not come back at all."

So we have to do the opposite. If the plane can come back, where there are many bullet holes, there will be nothing wrong there. Protection must be strengthened precisely in locations where there are no bullet holes, because as long as those locations are hit by bullets, the plane will be unable to fly back and crash on the battlefield.

So leeks, do you understand the meaning of survivor bias? Everyone who posts orders is there for you to see and what they want you to see. I go long in this band, and then go short with my backhand. If I operate in both directions, one of them will definitely win.

Later, I evened out my losses and posted my winnings. Over and over again, you would always see me posting my winnings. You would believe it, worship me, follow me, and you would be cut off.

Therefore, don’t always be fooled by illusions, including the illusion that the project side is good, including the illusion of attracting fans with single orders, and the illusion of policy appeals.

Some words can only be pointed out to the point, and cannot be explained too clearly. Those who understand will understand naturally.

To raise awareness and refuse leeks, start by following my articles.