Btc 2024 first 3 months price history was as follows

01.01.2024 44183 dollars

22.01.2024 39556 dollars

13.02.2024 49716 dollars

16.02.2024 52134 dollars

27.02.2024 57056 dollars

03.03.2024 63135 dollars

13.03.2024 73066 dollars

22.03.2024 62915 dollars

Is there any need to panic when we look at the price fluctuation in only 3 months of the year and the same dates of the previous year?

The market has recovered slightly. However, there is no stable situation yet. Additionally, BTC dominance is also very high. Unless this fluctuation fades, no one should expect the dominance to fall and the bottom to rise.

BTC, which is trying $ 73000, will eventually overcome that resistance and set out for a new ATH. By the wavy process, maybe we can see 50000 or 40000 again. There is no need to be demoralized. (Looking at the prices on the same dates last year gives you a morale boost 🤣)

The spot investor knows how to lurk and watch calmly. He should also know.

Those who panic should definitely learn how to use stop loss.

I'm open to discussion in the comments as long as it doesn't contain insults. What is written is not investment advice. These are notes written to myself.

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