Stop playing with J8’s contract and follow the orders, you still don’t understand the tricks inside? Leeks, wake up. Today I will tell you about the little-known model here, which will definitely make you wake up.

Why you should never touch the contract, you will understand after telling the story.

At the door of the obstetrics and gynecology hospital, an old Chinese medicine doctor sat and wrote that he was guaranteed to give birth to a boy. The prescription would cost RMB 50,000, and if it didn't work, the full amount would be refunded.

Families who want to have a boy take a look and see that this is good and guaranteed. So they paid money one after another.

They came out to hold the child, and when they saw it was a boy, they all thanked the miracle doctor. When I saw it was a girl, I refunded the money without saying a word. At the end of the day, I earned 500,000 yuan from selling sugar.

Do you understand? In fact, he did nothing but play with probability. 20 people paid one million, and 10 boys earned 500,000.

The driving school test is the same, guaranteed, but refunded.

The same is true for contracts. In this band, I am long 10,000 and short 10,000. Whichever one makes a profit, I will show which picture.

The most ruthless thing is yet to come. Next time I will talk about the most insidious and difficult-to-find pattern of private domain monetization routines.

Follow me and don’t miss every opportunity to get rich.