I wouldn't call an investor who keeps#XRPin his basket an investor, I would call him ignorant. I will explain the issue of $XRP to all of you in great detail and put an end to it.

#XRP/USDT Never buy in medium and long term. If the graph looks good in the short term, it can be considered, but it should not be purchased for the long term. Look, friends, they are constantly flattering you about#XRPon the X platform. They are literally making fun of you. Wake up now. Stay away from those who offer you #XRP. Look, I'm explaining the reason for this as if I were explaining it to a 5-year-old child;

#XRPMarket Cap value: 33 Billion Dollars.

In order to achieve 10x, it needs to reach a Market Cap value of 330 Billion Dollars.

In order to make 33x, it must reach a market cap of 1 TRILLION DOLLARS.

Look, even #ETH's Market Cap value is 400 Billion Dollars.

They are giving ridiculous targets left and right, especially for $XRP . So they say 10x is "nothing". Will it reach? Since we believe that #Bitcoin(BTC) BTC will rise to around +$200,000, let's say the case is concluded, MAYBE it will reach. But when#XRPmakes 10x that day, the#AltcoinsI recommend to you will experience a tremendous rise.