$BTC I suddenly discovered that I still have a bit of a sixth sense for pie. It's a pity that I can't read anything technically, so I'm just a little leek. Maybe the result I thought of by chance was really right. When I posted on the 14th, the market was at 72,500. At that time, I felt that the Air Force trend was coming, but it actually fell sharply. I guessed pin 9 was 59000 before, but it turned out to be 59000. Yesterday when it was 62,000, I felt that it was definitely going to pull at 2 o'clock yesterday, but it did pull. Maybe I was really lucky. But the most important thing is that I made an altcoin and I was so angry that I kept holding orders, damn it. I can’t wait until this copycat abandons me and I will make a big pie.