The market is still consolidating, so draw more lines and sharpen the knife before chopping wood, as shown above

Eth continues to rise and consolidate, it depends on which direction it breaks out, the range is more than 70 points, you can sell high and buy low, and you can have a full meal, and there are both stop-profit and stop-loss


Bitcoin has just experienced a wave of false drops and fell back into the price range, but it has been recovered again. It is pure fraud, and it falls into his hands every time. The same rise continues to consolidate, and depending on which direction it breaks out, the range is more than a thousand. Point, sell high and buy low


Wait, whether it is going up or down, it takes time. Don’t be too hasty. Mentality is the first capital of trading. Eat, drink, play, sleep when you should, and wait for good news.
