Signs to Identify Losers in Market School 😝

Every day, if you are someone who reads news and interacts a lot in the Crypto community, you will easily notice the following errors:

- Talk loudly, address me to everyone.

- Always comment negatively, calling others stupid while they are smart.

- If you hit the top, you'll bounce like thunder, then you'll cut your losses and start cursing that one like your old lover.

- When you go to ask others to sell your child, they get tens of percent of their investment money swallowed by it, while there is no basis.

- When you invest for real, you lose money. When you start trading, you lose money, so you reinvest for real and continue to lose money.

The market always has two sides: Bulls and Bears, just like soccer betting has rice bowls and shit bowls. If you're unlucky, you'll just have to pick it up, you'll decide how much money you have, so don't be bitter and then treat others like uneducated people 😏

$ARKM has been put in sight by Coinbase, hope continues for Arkm holder.