➡️Yesterday, after the price rebounded from the level of $62,500, I warned you in a post that the descending structure at 4H has not yet been broken, therefore, it is premature to talk about the completion of the correction, the structure has not been broken and the price has decreased.

➡️A descending structure is a price movement in which the minimums are updated, but the maximums are not updated (Lower low - Lower High) - the last local maximum was $65,750, it will be possible to talk about breaking the structure only after the price goes higher.

➡️At the moment, the strong zone is $60,000, and also, a good number of liquidations are at $58,000; as part of the development of the descending structure, entry into these zones cannot be ruled out.

And I’ll express my thoughts in more detail in the daily review, don’t miss it ❤️🍋🚀
