Airdrop essentials

1. Financing from nine top investment institutions including Binance and Ptotocol Labs

2. By staking cyber, you can get airdrops from the ecosystem that cooperates with cyber, and you can get high APR income (above 200, currently). The latest ZK will be airdropped to the account that pledges cyber, and will be distributed based on the number of pledges rather than points (Snapshot on the 22nd) , issued on the 25th), and there will be other airdrops for this ecological project later.

Introduction to airdrop

CyberConnect is a decentralized social graph protocol designed to allow users to regain control of their social relationships in Web3. Its social graph data will be publicly accessible to all dApps, providing developers with an additional capability to leverage users’ connections to expand their existing user base regardless of which blockchain the dApp is built on. At the core of CyberConnect is a tamper-proof data structure that effectively facilitates the creation, update, query and validation of user-centric data. The protocol is designed to emulate Ethereum’s examples of security, permissionless and decentralized governance, and will employ a token incentive model to fairly reward all contributors who help bootstrap the project


1. Prepare some eth as gas in the op network (within 5 dollars is sufficient). Note that it must be the Optimism network.

Add Cyber ​​coin, click Manage crypto, then click Custom crypto, enter the contract address 0x14778860E937f509e651192a90589dE711Fb88a9

Just click Add and withdraw the coins after completion (at least 10 to get the ZK airdrop)

2. step2 Enter the official website

Click the Connect link in the upper right corner and sign the wallet

2.step3, click Stake CYBER Now, fill in the invitation code IZBY7 and click Submit

, and finally link the X account


Cyber ​​ecological pledge airdrops, in addition to staking income, can also receive airdrops from ecological partners. The most recent one is ZK, and the pledge will be when the mainnet is launched in the second quarter (probably around May)

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