63 bargain hunting pie

The current rebound is around 65. My judgment is that it will rebound to about 68.

There will be an epic plunge

The current wave of 12345 has been completed

Now is the period where wave A falls and wave B rises.

As for where the B wave goes, stay safe and don’t be greedy. Half of the profit will come from it.

Keep the remaining half until closer to 68

Because no one can predict the timing of wave C.

Always be protected! Safety first

Profitable profits will be distributed in batches

The time it takes to complete the 12345 wave is about 40 days

At present, abc has been running for more than ten days. It is uncertain how long wave B can last.

But the bottom of wave C will probably be around 4/10

That's the bottom

Probably close to around 57

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