I'm really convinced. Do you understand that the market has been falling for almost a week and there are still so many people who are "greedy"?

I still remember a few days ago, when BTC was at its highest point, the greed index was as high as 93 points.

Okay, okay, it's understandable, after all, the market is festive and peaceful.

Recently, it has been falling for a week, and Bitcoin has dropped from 72,000 to 63,000.

Looking back, the greed index is still 77. Shouldn’t it be fear?


I don’t know if it’s a slow response or if they are all buying the bottom.

However, judging from MACD, it has not yet reached a stage bottom. And the Bollinger Band has touched the lower shadow line. It is likely to fall below.

The trading volume has reached a new high in the past few days.

In the current situation, it is not recommended to buy the bottom right away, but to wait and see.