BTC is soaring into the sky, the bull market has begun, and retail investors will witness the historical moment of the currency circle! #BTC.😉. #热门话题

Now the trend of BTC seems quite clear. It is heading towards the new high of the bull market. Even if it falls, it will not fall too badly.

Why has it risen so sharply? In fact, it is quite simple. There are not many chips in the market, and retail investors are not optimistic about it. At this time, it is easy for such a surge to occur. Think about it in 2023, when the market is always shaken up and prices rise and fall, which is completely different from now.

Especially by 2024, basically all coins have risen and entered an upward trend. It’s really hard to find coins that haven’t risen yet, especially those with cabbage prices.

This is actually the first stage before the start of the big bull market. For those coins that have not moved yet, basically don’t look at them. There is a high probability that they will be out of business. Although some people don't believe it, I have to say that there may be some dark horses emerging, but such opportunities are really rare and not everyone can encounter them.

Therefore, in the currency circle, we must learn to look at the general trend and the movements of the entire market. Only by knowing which stage you are at now can you better seize the opportunities ahead.

At present, in the bull market in the circle, you have no direction yet. You are still cutting meat and buying and selling all day long. Why not join in the same boat and nod your image, pay attention, and take you to the forefront of the bull market for free, and enjoy the atmosphere of eating pig's feet rice for free every day in the circle.